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温州进步家教:英语教学之 趣味英语谜语天地5

来源:温州家教网 2011/8/7 9:48:49


温州进步家教   温州进步家教网 www.0577jj.net

周老师    13634279825





In spring I am gay

In handsome array;

In summer more clothing I wear;

When colder it grows

I fling off my clothes;

And in winter quite naked appear.


Old Mister Puddididdle

Played in the muddy puddle;

He had yellow socks and shoes

And a cap of greens and blues,

He was often in a muddle.

Now guess the riddle.


My first part is a woman,

My second part a bird,

My whole is an insect

I give you my word.


My first letter is in wood but isn't in trip,

My second is in four and also in three,

My third is in music and also in tune,

My fourth is in May but isn't in June.

My whole makes a noise

You can hear down the street.

What am I?


Eight were standing

Two were cracking

Two were looking.


The greater it is

The less you see of it.


At night they come without being fetched,

And by day they are lost without being stolen.


Come up and let us go;

Go down and here we stay.

139 Long legs

Short thighs

Bald head

And bullet eyes.


I run smoother than any rhyme,

1 love to fall but cannot climb.

I tremble at each breath of air,

And yet can heaviest burdens bear.


131. tree 132. duck 133. ladybird 134. drum 135. crab 136. darkness 137. star 138. anchor 139. frog 140. water 


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