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来源:温州家教网 2012/3/21 22:11:37




1.-How do you study for a test为了准备考试,你是如何学习的呢?
-I study by working with a group我是通过与小组的同学一起合作来学习的。
【用法】by+doing 表示方法,手段或原因,此时by引导的介词短语多用做状语。
by的用法:    ①相当于near,在……附近,在……旁边。There’s a policeman standing by my car.
               ②by+时间,……以前,不迟于……” Will you finish it by tomorrow?
               ③用于被动语态 The story is written by Lu Xun。
               ④后接交通工具用,乘 Li Lei goes to school by bike every day。
2.What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?为了练习发音,朗读怎么样?
1)what about+doing/sth.常用来询问事情的状态或征求对方的意见。
2)pronunciation是名词,“发音,发音法” 动词为:pronounce “发……音,正确吐字”的意思。  I don’t know the pronunciation of the word/I don’t know how to pronounce the word.
【比较】   ①aloud 副词,“大声地”,表示声音足以让别人听见。
He is reading the story aloud to his little son. 他正在朗读这篇故事给他的小儿子听。
           ②loud 形容词或副词,侧重于“大声,高声” read aloud 朗读
            Suddenly I heard a loud noise。 突然我听见了很响的声音。
            ③loudly 副词,侧重于大声喧闹。loud和loudly都说明声音的强度。
            Don’t speak so loud。/ Don’t speak so loudly.  别那么大声说话。
3.            sometimes 有时,频率副词,用how often 提问
  【辨析】   some times 几次   用 how many times 提问
             sometime 某时   / some time 一段时间
4. It’s hard to understand the voice很难听懂这些说话声。
1)too…to… 表示“太……而不能……”=so…that… 如此……以致……
2)    voice 名词,着重指人的声音,如说话,谈笑,唱歌等。Her voice sounds sweet。
       noise名词,指不悦耳,不和谐的噪音。There are lots of people and much noise in the street。
       sound 作名词时,多指声音的总称。还可以作系动词 后+形容词“听起来……”
             The sound of music is very good。
 5.Some students had more specific suggestions一些学生有更具体的建议。
【讲解】 specific形容词,意思是“明确的”,其同义词为exact,副词是specifically。
6.She said that memorizing the words of pop songs also helped a little他说记忆流行歌词也能起一定的作用。  1)句子结构:含有宾语从句的复合句
2)  memorize 动词,“记忆,背诵”
She can memorize new words very quickly./ Memorizing texts is hard work.
memory名词,表示“记忆力,记性”或记忆的事物,事件”. He has a good memory.
7.Sometimes,however,he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak to quickly. 然而,他有时发觉看电影很令人失望,因为(电影中)人们说话太快。
  ①frustrating 形容词,意思是“令人沮丧的,令人失望的”,用来描述事情。
  I find it frustrating that I can’t speak other languages。我不会说别的语言,感到很沮丧。
  ②frustrated 形容词,可表示“灰心的,失望的”,用来描述人。
  She got very frustrated because she failed the exam。 因为考试不及格,她感到很灰心。
   ③frustrate 动词,“是沮丧,使灰心
 Bad weather frustrated the travelers at the airport。恶劣的天气使机场的旅客很沮丧。
frustration名词 “灰心,不满”Every job has its frustrations。每种工作都有让人不称心的地方。
8.We get excited about something and then end up speaking in Chinese…
1)excited 形容词,指人“兴奋的,激动的”exciting 形容词,指事物“使人兴奋的,让人激动的”
be / get excited about sth.= be / get excited about doing sth. = be excited to do sth. 感兴奋 如: I am / get excited about going to Beijing.= I am excited to go to Beijing. 我对去北京感到兴奋。
 end in sth 以某事物作为末端或结尾。
end up 告终,结束
 end up doing sth  终止做某事,结束做某事 如:The party ended up singing. 晚会以唱歌而结束。
   end up with sth.    结束 如:The party ended up with her singing. 晚会以她的歌唱而告终。
1.I make mistakes in grammar。我总在语法上出现错误。 1)mistake 可作名词,“错误,误会”
2) make a mistake 犯错误,出差错 The waiter made a mistake over the bill。服务员把账算错了。
by mistake 错误地(因粗心,遗忘等所致) He took my bag by mistake。他拿错了我的包。
mistake…for…错把……当作…… I mistook you for your brother。我误将你当你你的弟弟了。
2.Why don’t you join an English language club to practice speaking English
Why don’t you…=Why not do…  为什么不做……?
 Let’s do… 让我们做……吧
 What about doing……=How about doing…… 做……怎么样?
 Would you like to do… 你想做……? 
Shall we do… 我们做……,好吗?
3.I don’t have a partner to practice English with.我没有一起练习英语的伙伴。
【讲解】动词不定式短语to practice English with 作定语,修饰中心词partner,由于a partner在逻辑上充当介词with的宾语,所以不定式短语中的介词with不能省略。
I want a pen to write with 我要一支笔用来写字。
4. 1to begin with 是固定结构,表示起初相当于at first 
2later on 后来,以后,相当于later
5.I was also afraid to speak in classbecause I thought my classmates might laugh at me
1) be afraid of sth/doing sth.  He is afraid of his mother./ She is afraid of flying.
be afraid to do sth   I’m afraid to go out at night。 我害怕夜间外出。
be afraid+that引导的从句 I’m afraid that the train will be late。恐怕火车会晚点。
2)laugh 表示出声的笑   laugh at 嘲笑,笑话,取笑(某人)
6.So I decided to take lots of gramma notes in every class
1)decide to do sth 做决定,下决心。 
2) take notes 做笔记,做纪录,此时 notes常用复数形式。
7.Now I am enjoying learning English and I got an  A this term
1)enjoy+doing 喜欢做某事  2)  an的用法 在元音因素(音标)前 表示一个 an
8.My teacher is very impressed我的老师很感动。
使某人铭记某事   impess sth on sb  My father impressed on me the importance of work。
                 impress sb with sth  My father impressed me with the importance of work。
9.You said you couldn’t understand people who talked fast你听不明白那些讲话快的人。
1)you couldn’t…fast。是宾语从句    2) people who talked fast  定语从句
selfcheck and reading
1.How…deal with?处置=What…do with  How do you deal with your problem?
2. unless连词 “除非…否则…” (不用于假想的事)
 Unless you start at once , you will be late. 除非你马上出发,否则你要迟到了.   
3.worry about be worried about 担心、担忧
4.be angry with 生某人的气  I was angry with her. 我对她生气。
5.stay angry 生气
6.go by 消逝Two years went by. 两年过去了。
7.affect (vt.)影响,感动 Worrying about our problem affects how we do at home. 
8.  see sb. / sth. doing 看见某人正在做某事 强调正在发生
see sb. / sth. do    看见某人在做某事 如:
   如: She saw him drawing a picture in the classroom. 她看见他正在教室里画画。
9. have disagreements有分歧 ,意见不同
10 last <adj>最后的,末尾的…   例如:last week; last month
        <v>持续  例如:The rain will last for a week.
11. regard…as… 把……当tasl做…… The boys regarded Ann.a as a fool. 这些男孩把安娜看成傻瓜。
12.complain about…抱怨… Many students complain about school.  He often complains about the weather here.       
13.  too many 许多 修饰可数名词 如:too many girls
too much 许多 修饰不可数名词 如:too much milk
    much too 太  修饰形容词   如:much too beautiful
14.change…into…把…转变为…  We must learn how to change problems into challenges.    
15.try one's best to do sth尽力做某事    
16.with the help of 在...的帮助下    
17.think of (think about) 想起、想到
18.compare A  to B        把A比作B
 Scientists sometimes compare the human brain to a computer. 科学家有时将人脑比作电脑。      
19. physical problems 身体上的问题
20. face the challenge面对挑战 
21.  instead 代替 用在句末,副词(字面上常不译出来)
    instead of sth. / doing sth. 代替,而不是 用在句中,动词
 如:Last summer I went to Beijing. This year I’m going to Shanghai instead.去年夏天我去北京, 今年我将要去上海。
I will go instead of you. 我将代替你去。
     He stayed at home instead of going swimming. 他呆在家里而不是去游泳。
22. forget about (口语)不要放在心上;忘掉  Did you forget about the meeting ?   He forgot about sweeping the floor .
23. break off  中断   break off a friendship断绝友谊;断交     
24. in a way用某种方式 ;   in a positive way以正面的方式   


1.listen to tapes                    听磁带
2.ask the teacher for help        向老师请求帮助
3.make flashcards                    制作抽认卡
4.watch English-language videos     观看英语录象
5.read aloud                         朗读
6.practice pronunciation             练习语音
7.speaking skills                    说的技能
8.too …to                           太…而不能
9.break off                          突然中断
10.the best way to learn English   学英语的最好方法
11.specific suggestions              具体的建议
12.watch the actors say the words   观看演员说话
13.find watching movies frustrating  发现看电影令人沮丧
14.get lots of writing practice 得到大量的写作练习
15.not at all                        一点也不
16.get excited                       变得兴奋
17.end up doing sth.                 结束做
18.spoken English                    英语口语
19.practice speaking English         练习说英语
20.join an English club          加入英语俱乐部
21.laugh at                          嘲笑某人
22.make up conversations             编对话
23.first of all                      首先_
24.to begin with                     一开始
25.write down                          写下
26.later on                            后来
27.write my own original sentence写我自己创造的句子
28.do a survey                        做调查
29.It’s difficult for sb to do     做某事对某人来说困难
30.make mistakes in grammar      在语法方面犯错
31.get the pronunciation right       发音正确
32.It doesn’t matter.               没关系
33.be afraid to do sth/be afraid of doing sth      害怕做
34.make complete sentences          造完整的句子    
35.help a lot                         帮助很大
36.help a little                      有点帮助
37.one of the secrets                 秘诀之一
38.take notes                         记笔记
39.a good language learner    一个好的语言学习者
40.start doing /start to doing        开始做
41.enjoy doing sth.                   喜爱做
42. be impressed                      被感动                  
43.have difficulty doingsth
/have problems doing sth
/have trouble doing sth              做…有困难
44.look up …in a dictionary           查字典
45 make up                              编造
46.deal with /do with                  处理
47.worry about                         担心
48.be angry with /be mad at            对…生气_
49. stay angry                     持续生气
50.Time goes by.                   时间流逝
51. see sb doing sth            看见某人在做某事
52.have disagreements              意见不同
53.solve a problem                 解决问题
54.regard problems as challenges   把问题看作挑战
55.complain about                  抱怨
56. It’s our duty to do sth  做某事是我们的责任
58.try one’s best to do  /do one’s best to… 
59.with the help of sb./with one’s help  在……的帮助下
60.compare …to …         把…和…进行比较
61.do one’s duty                   尽责
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