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初中英语3年级UNITE 3 重要知识点总结

来源:温州家教网 2012/3/24 19:22:37


                                            初中英语3年级UNITE 3 重要知识点总结


1.I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be get their ears pierced.我认为不应该允许十六岁的孩子讲耳朵穿孔。
1)I don’t think…表示:我认为不……是对think后面从句的否定。
3)get their ears pierced 将他们的耳朵穿孔,pierced是过去分词
【拓展】 get/have sth. done 表示“使某事……”
         get sb to do sth 让某人做某事…… He couldn’t get the car to start and went by bus.
2.He doesn’t seem to have many friends他好像没有很多朋友。
【seem的搭配】   seem+to do adj/n.
                 seem+to do  He seems to know everything。
                 seem+like sth. It seems like years since we last met我们似乎好几年没见面了。
                 It seem+(to do)+that引导的从句
                 It seems+as if 引导的从句 It seems as if they would marry in the end。
3.They talk instead of doing homework他们谈话而没有做作业。
  instead 副词。表示“代替,改换”放在所要表示肯定的内容之后。
  instead of 相当于介词,意思是“代替,而不”后面接sth/doing sth.
I don’t like beer ,give me coke instead.   Let’s play cards instead of watching television.
4.I agree.They aren’t secious enough at that age. 我同意(你所说的)他们在那个年龄不够认真。
2)at that age 在那个年龄段,介词用at,  at the age of… 表示 在……岁的时候
  agree with sb 与(某人)意见一致,同意某人(的意见)
  agree about/on sth. 在某事或某方面达成一致的意见。
  agree to 后面常接plan,suggestion等词语。
I agree with you。=I agree with what you say.   He went to collage at the age of eighteen.
5.-We have a lot of rules at my house在我家里有很多的规矩。-So do we。我们也是如此。
So do I 属于倒装句,意思是承上下文的肯定陈述,表示我也一样
So I do 说话人对前面或对方所说情况的赞同或证实,意思是我确实如此
【拓展】Neithernor do I 也属于倒装句,是承上文的否定陈述,而表示我也没有……”“我也不……”  -I like dumplings 我喜欢饺子。 -So do I。 我也喜欢
-My bother is good at math。 -So am I。
-Mr. Liu has been teaching in our school for five years.   –So have I.
-You like basketball very much and often play it after school.  – So I do.
-Peter isn’t going to the party this evening.  –Neither(nor) am I.
6.Find someone who is allow to stay up until 11:00 pm.找出被准许到晚上11点钟才睡觉的人。
1)stay up 熬夜,不去睡
2)until可以做介词或连词until的短语或从句和肯定句连用时,表示动作或状态继续到某一时刻,所修饰的 必须具有延续性,until的短语或从句和否定句连用时,表示“直到……才”所修饰的动词常为瞬间性的动词。I’m going to stay here until Sunday,and start on Monday。
The children won’t come back home until it is dark。
3)who is……someone的定语从句
7.Our teachers believe that if we did thatwe would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.我们的老师认为,如果我们那样做的话,我们会将更多的注意力放在衣服上,而不是放在学习上。
1)believe后面为that引导的宾语从句,宾语从句中又包含有if 引导的条件状语从句,宾语从句中did,would concentrate为虚拟语气。
2)concentrate 动词,集中,聚集的意思,名词为concentration。
concentrate on sth/doing sth. 表示“全神贯注于某事。专心致志于某事”
I must concentrate on my new task. 我必须专注于我的新工作。
8.That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy那会是一种使老师和学生都快乐的好方式。
1)动词不定式to keep both teachers and students happy做定语,修饰名词way
3)both…and…既……又……, 不但……而且…… 连接两个相同的成分,谓语动词用复数形式。Both my parents and I are going to the movies this evening 今晚父母亲和我都要去看电影。
She spoke both French and English 她既说法语又说英语。
9.I know we get noisy sometimesbut we learn a lot from each other 我知道有时我们很吵闹,但我们相互之间学到了很多东西。
【讲解】1)get noisy 是系动词+表语的结构,noisy形容词“吵闹的,喧哗的,嘈杂的”
 noise 名词,指噪音;noisily副词: 嘈杂地
2)learn from 向……学习
3)each other 相互,彼此=one another
  allow sb to do sth 允许做某事
  allow doing sth 允许做某事
  be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事
Smoking is not allowed here 此地禁止吸烟。
My parents won’t allow me to stay out late 我的父母不允许我深夜不回家。
Teenagers should not be allowed to drive 不应允许青少年驾车。
2.too silly 太愚蠢,not serious enough 不够认真
【讲解】too+adj/adv. 表示……”暗示,以致不能……
 too+adj/adv.+to do 表示……而不能……”
2)not+adj/adv.+enough+to do sth. 表示:……而不能……
The girl is too young to go to school=The girl is not old enough to go to school
3.stop doing sth 停止做某事
 stop to do sth 停止原来的事 而开始做另一件事
 need to do sth
  need sth
  need doing sth=need to be done
2)当情态动词时,无人称,数,和时态的变化。后接动词原形,多用于疑问句和否定句。must开头的疑问句否定回答可用needn’t,表示“不必,没必要”相当于don’t have to。
Need I wait here?
-Must I pay for it?  -No,you needn’t
5. be strict with sb 对某人严格要求 My mother is very strict with me。
be strict in sth 在某方面严格要求 The teacher is strict in their study,they have to do what she says
6.have an opportunity to do sth 有从事某事的机会

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